
“20 years later”

“20 years later”

Šukrija Meholjić is member of the International Expert Team of the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada


Excerpt from reviews:


Sonja Biserko:

Caricatures are probably one of the most subtle art forms that reflect a state of mind in a society and time. Šukrija Meholjić succeeded, with his book named “20 years later”, to express a phenomena that, after so many years, still survives – denial and insensitivity. His caricatures speak precisely not only about the aggressor (Serbian) side, but also about the indifference of the international community and the helplessness and inability of the local community to turn towards the future…..


Emir Ramić:

In that art, a new form of thinking about the Srebrenica genocide, in the year in which we celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the start of the biggest crimes in Europe since the Holocaust, there appears a very important work of one of the most prominent Bosniak cartoonists, Šukrija Meholjić, “20 YEARS LATER”…… I recommend printing the book “20 YEARS LATER” because it will, with its message and lessons, not only testify to the crime of genocide in Srebrenica, but also activate generations to come to use all kinds of art to raise the voice for truth about this crime and justice for its victims.


Svein Mønnesland:

His caricatures are not only first-class drawings; they have a political message as well. Through them we can follow the tragic events seen through the eyes of an intellectual who has his opinions, who wants to tell us his point of view, who has a message for the world. His caricatures are proof that the artistʼs pen can be as effective as a weapon……. Šukrija Meholjićʼs caricatures remind us of the existence of those shameful and tragic events, the cynical politicians, the incompetent diplomats. The book is dark and the content is a permanent record of the dark times. Just knowing that this book exists, however, shows there is a ray of light, a trace of hope, that it will never happen again!


Author’s note


“My son!

You speak this foreign language

As it is your mother tongue.

If they ever ask you about Srebrenica

You will tell them the most

If you just keep silent.

If you keep silent and if you are there to speak” (Halil Džananović)


With all honors and piety towards innocent victims, with respect towards this excellent poet and his clear message, we should also say here that while I keep silent, you keep silent, he keeps silent and we keep silent, they, the potential architects of evil, in their silence, design new crimes. We were forced in time and space, and we also have done it ourselves, to keep silent and forget the previous genocide, so, the eleventh genocide happened, this eleventh one being the most unhuman of all – the genocide in Srebrenica. A seed of death was planted in Srebrenica, but also in whole Bosnia and Herzegovina which is one large Srebrenica, an open wound that bleeds. It would be tragic if oblivion would sprout from this seed. We neither have the right to forget, because of the dead, but also because of the living and of the unborn, nor do we have the right to bury the truth with silence. We have to keep slapping oblivion in the face, because oblivion is a light house for evildoers on their way to a new genocide. The one who forgets, lives through it (the forgotten) once again. It is therefore an imperative of every truth lover to cherish the culture of personal and collective memory and witness of mindless acts of violence, by various forms of art expression and thinking. Art is a living memory and greatest revenge against nonhumans for crime against the innocent ones. This is the fluid that carries through time for future generations, in the best way, the message of crime.


My new book of caricatures named “20 YEARS LATER”, published on the occasion of twenty years after the Srebrenica tragedy and Dayton (no) peace, is my humble contribution to the mosaic of culture of remembering the genocidal aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina, and focusing on the planetary crime – the Srebrenica genocide. This book represents a unique continuation of my first book “Under the UN Protection”, published in 2007, in which I continue to follow, with my drawings, the difficult reality of the post Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina. The drawings were made as the events they refer to happened and as such follow the same order in the book. The book, conceived in such a way, has a role of testifying, reminding and warning on evil times in which our homeland was murdered in aggression and also is continuing to be murdered in so called peace. I have screamed as hard as I could, speechless – with no words, at least to wake myself up. Maybe I will, who knows, touch someone’s conscience or encourage that someone to think. Maybe.


Srebrenica died several times throughout its long and turbulent history only to always rise again like a phoenix from ashes, even more beautiful, tempting and proud. But from the last deadly genocide in the summer of 1995 it somehow fails to recover. Srebrenica was alone in the world in 1995, yet the world was there in Srebrenica! Abandoned, forgotten and left alone to itself then and now, after 20 years. Why didn’t the World even try to, at least a little bit, wash off its unclean conscience by greater material aid to Srebrenica? The survivors deserve at least that. O, World, tell me why Srebrenica still is a “Charity city” and why does its greater part still lie in a tomb? And tell us once sincerely NEVER AGAIN!


I wish here at the end to express publically my thanks to the responsible editors of various Bosnian newspapers, magazines, portals (Bosanska posta,,, Klix, Avaz, OsloboÄ‘enje, BH magazin, Doznajemo, …) as well as the editors of the Norwegian newspapers (RHA, DT, BT, Aftenbladet, Aftenposten, VG, Klassekampen, Ny Tid, Adresseavisen, Vårt land, Nordlys) who recognized the values of my drawings’ messages and who wrote texts and published them openly. By doing this, they have, along with all the positive reactions of audiences at numerous exhibitions I held in various countries, made my will to persevere in my intention, even stronger.


I convey my warmest thanks to the esteemed reviewers: Ms. Sonja Biserko, the founder and president of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, professor Emir Ramić, Manager of Institute for Research of Genocide Canada and dr Svein Mønnesland, professor of Slavic languages at University of Oslo, as well as all other individuals for their assistance and help.


I owe large gratitude to THE ORGANIZATIONAL BOARD FOR MARKING OF THE 20th ANNIVERSARY OF THE GENOCIDE IN “UN SAFE HAVEN” SREBRENICA, the publisher and sponsor of this book.


A special appreciation goes to my wife Jasminka for 20-year long tolerance and patience.


Šukrija Meholjić



“20 godina poslije”

Šukrija Meholjić je član Internacionalnog ekspertnog tima Instituta za istraživanje genocida, Kanada


Uskoro, a u povodu obilježavanja 20. godišnjice genocida u Srebrenici, izlazi iz štampe druga dvojezična (bosanski/engleski) knjiga karikatura pod naslovom “20 GODINA POSLIJE” / “20 YEARS LATER” poznatog bosansko-hercegovačkog karikaturiste/ilustratora Šukrije Meholjića. Izdavač ove posebne knjige – knjige svjedoka je Organizacioni odbor za obilježavanje 20. godišnjice genocida u “Zastičenoj zoni UN-a” Srebrenica. Svoje kritičke osvrte – recenzije nad ovom važnom knjigom su dali istaknuti i dokazani ljubitelji istine i pravde na Balkanu i svijetu: Sonja Biserko, predsjednica i osnivač Helšinskog odora za ljudska prava u Srbiji, prof. Emir Ramić, direktor Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada i dr. Svein Mønnesland, profesor slavistike na Univerzitetu u Oslu, čije kratke izvode donosimo u antrafileu.


Sonja Biserko:

Karikatura je verovatno jedna od najsuptilnijih umetničkih formi koja svedoči o stanju duha u odreÄ‘enom društvu i vremenu. Šukrija Meholjić je svojom knjigom karikatura „20 godina poslije“ uspeo da izrazi fenomen koji posle toliko godina još uvek opstaje – poricanje i bezosećajnost. Njegove karikature precizno govore ne samo o agresorskoj (srpskoj) strani, već i o ravnodušnoj meÄ‘unarodnoj zajednici, kao i o bespomoćnosti i nespremnosti lokalne sredine da se okrene budućnosti…


Emir Ramić:

A u toj umjetnosti kao novom vidu promišljanja genocida u Srebrenici u godini kada obilježavamo dvadeset godina od početka največeg zločina u Evropi poslije holokausta pojavljuje se veoma značajno djelo jednog od najistaknutijih bošnjačkih karikaturista Šukrije Meholjića, “20 GODINA POSLIJE”…… Knjigu “20 GODINA POSLIJE” preporučujem za štampanje jer će svojom porukom i poukom ne samo svjedočiti zločin genocida u Srebrenici, već će aktivirati generacije koje dolaze da upotrebom svih vrsta umjetnosti dignu glas za istinu o ovome zločinu i pravdu za njegove žrtve…


Svein Mønnesland:

Karikature nisu samo vrhunski nacrtane, već imaju političku poruku. Kroz njih možemo pratiti tragične dogaÄ‘aje viÄ‘ene očima jednog intelektualca koji ima svoj stav, koji hoće da nam kaže svoju riječ, koji ima poruku svijetu. Njegove karikature su dokaz da pero jednog umjetnika može biti efikasno oružje…. Crteži Šukrije Meholjića nas podsjećaju na sramne i tragične dogaÄ‘aje, na cinične političare, na nesposobne diplomate. Knjiga je crna, sadržaj je trajno svjedočanstvo o crnom vremenu. Ali zato što postoji, nagovještava i zrak svjetlosti, trak nade. Da se nikad više ne dogodi!





Ti ovaj tuđinski

K`o maternji jezik jezičaš.

Ako te kadgod – štogod o Srebrenici priupitaju

Najviše ćeš reći

Ako budeš šutio.

Ako budeš i ako te bude” (Halil Džananović)


Uz sve počasti i pijetet prema nevinim žrtvama, te respekt prema vrsnom poeti i njegovoj jasnoj poruci valja ovdje, ipak, reći da dok ja šutim, ti šutiš, on šuti, mi šutimo, vi šutite, oni -potencijalni arhitekti zla, u šutnji projektuju novi zločin. Tjerali su nas, a i dobrovoljno smo to činili, da kroz vrijeme i prostor šutimo i zaboravimo prethodni, pa nam se eto dogodio i jedanaesti, ovog puta najneljudskiji zločin- zločin genocida u Srebrenici. Sjeme smrti je u Srebrenici posijano, ali i u cijeloj Bosni i Hercegovini koja je jedna velika Srebrenica, jedna velika otvorena rana koja krvari. Bilo bi tragično da iz tog crnog sjemena iznikne zaborav. Mi nemamo pravo da to zaboravimo i zbog mrtvih, i zbog živih i zbog neroÄ‘enih, niti da istinu zatrpavamo šutnjom. Moramo stalno udarati šamar zaboravu, jer zaborav je svetionik zločincima na putu ka novom genocidu. Ko zaboravlja iznova (zaboravljeno) proživljava. Stoga je imperativ svakog istinoljubca da njeguje kulturu ličnog i kolektivnog sjećanja i svjedoči o bezumnom činu nasilja kroz različite forme umjetničkog izrazavanja i promišljanja. Umjetnost je živa memorija i najveća osveta neljudima za zločin nad nevinima. To je fluid koji kroz vrijeme najbolje prenosi poruku zločina budućim generacijama.


Ova moja nova knjiga karikatura pod naslovom “20 GODINA POSLIJE”, koja izlazi povodom tužne dvadesetogodišnjice srebreničke tragedije i dejtonskog (ne)mira, je moj skromni doprinos mozaiku kulture pamćenja genocidne agresije na BiH sa fokusom na planetarni zločin – srebrenički genocid. To je zapravo svojevrstan nastavak moje prve knjige “Pod zastitom UN-a” izdate 2007, kojom sam i dalje nastavio crtežom pratiti tešku zbilju postdejtonske BiH. Crteži su nastajali kad i dogaÄ‘aji i kao takvi prate isti redoslijed u knjizi. Tako koncipirana knjiga ima ulogu da svjedoči, podsjeća i opominje na zlo vrijeme kad je u agresiji ubijana naša domovina a ista doubijana u nazovi miru. Vrisnuo sam koliko sam mogao, nijemo – bez riječi, da makar sebe probudim. Ko zna možda ovim malo dodirnem i savjest nekima ili ih podstaknem na razmišljanje. Možda.


Umirala je Srebrenica više puta kroz svoju dugu i burnu historiju da bi se uvijek nanovo uzdizala kao feniks iz pepela još ljepša, izazovnija i ponositija. Ali iz posljednjeg samrtnog genocidnog ljeta 1995 nikako da se oporavi. Bila je Srebrenica te `95 sama na svijetu, a Svijet u Srebrenici! Napuštena, zaboravljena i prepustena sama sebi tada, a i sada 20 godina poslije. Zašto? Zašto Svijet nije bar pokušao makar malo oprati svoju nečistu savjest većom materijalnom pomoći Srebrenici? Bar su to preživjele žrtve zaslužile. O Svijete kaži mi zašto je Srebrenica još uvijek “Sadaka siti“ i zašto još uvijek svojim većim dijelom leži u tabutu? I reci nam jednom iskreno NIKAD VIŠE!


Na kraju hoću ovdje da uputim javnu zahvalu odgovornim urednicima mnogobrojnih bh listova, magazina, portala (Bosanska pošta,,, Klix, Avaz, OsloboÄ‘enje, BH magazin, Doznajemo…) kao i urednicima norveških novina (RHA, DT, BT, Aftenbladet, Aftenposten, VG, Klassekampen, Ny Tid, Adresseavisen, Vår land, Nordlys) koji su prepoznali vrijednosti poruka iz mojih crteža i pisanih tekstova te ih javno publikovali. Time su, zajedno sa pozitivnim reakcijama publike sa mojih brojnih izložbi održanih u više zemalja, jačali moju volju da istrajem u svojoj nakani.


Najtoplije se zahvaljujem uvaženim recenzentima: Sonji Biserko, predsjednici Helšinskog odbora za ljudska prava u Srbiji, profesoru Emiru Ramiću, direktoru Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada i dr. Svein Mønnesland, profesoru slavistike na Univerzitetu u Oslu i svim drugima na pomoći.




Posebnu zahvalnost upućujem mojoj supruzi Jasminki na 20-to godisnjoj toleranciji i strpljenju.


Šukrija Meholjić

